I use silver gel underneath a bandage called second skin. You will leave the bandage on for three to five days to allow the blood and plasma to sit on top of the wound to create a faster healing process. The gel and bandage also prevents bacteria and infection from getting into the open wound. When it’s time to take the bandage off on days three to five, you will want to be under luke warm water and gently peel the bandage off while keeping it flush to your skin. Make sure to do this with freshly washed hands. Then you will wash your tattoo with unscented antibacterial soap, pat dry with a clean towel, and moisturize with a thin layer of unscented lotion. Repeat those steps at least twice a day.
Importance of Aftercare
Tattoo aftercare is a vital step of getting a tattoo. Your tattoo is an open wound and needs to be taken care of to prevent infection. Proper care will help your tattoo last longer and keep your body healthy and safe.
Healing Process
It takes at least 2 full weeks for a tattoo to completely heal. In that time your tattoo can feel dry and itchy so it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions above and NEVER scratch or itch your healing tattoo.
Special Attention
Please pay close attention to your tattoo while it’s healing. You should always contact your artist if you have any questions or concerns. With infections you’ll want to contact your doctor immediately to prevent any further damage.
500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158